The Observatório das Desigualdades e-Working Papers (OD e-WP), were launched in 2014 and have as main purpose to share among the academic community and civil society studies that contribute to the scientific knowledge about social inequalities and for its understanding as a multidimensional phenomenon.
All the working papers published are essentially research work in progress or updated reviews of relevant studies.
The OD-WP are submitted to peer review by the Inequality Observatory’s scientific council and other experts in the field.
The OD-WP can be accessed on this page or on ISCTE-IUL’s institutional repository.
ISSN :  2183-4199
Observatório das Desigualdades e-Working Papers available for download:
 Download – OD e-WP n.º 3/2015
Austerity in education, Rosário Mauritti, Maria do Carmo Botelho, Nuno Nunes, Daniela Craveiro

doi: 10.15847/CIESODWP032015

 Download – OD e-WP n.º 2/2015
Reconfigurations and positioning of the concept of social mobility in the social sciences literature, Magda Nico

doi: 10.15847/CIESODWP022015

 Download – OD e-WP n.º 1/2015
 The constitution of a European inequality area, António Firmino da Costa,  Rosário Mauritti, Susana da Cruz Martins, Nuno Nunes, Ana Lúcia Romão

doi: 10.15847/CIESODWP012015

 Download – OD e-WP n.º 4/2014
The left and the right hand of the Portuguese State: current trends?, Maria do Carmo Botelho, Rosário Mauritti, Nuno Nunes, Daniela Craveiro

doi: 10.15847/CIESODWP042014

 Download – OD e-WP n.º 3/2014
 Inequalities, public services and global justice, João Mineiro

doi: 10.15847/CIESODWP032014

 Download – OD e-WP n.º 2/2014
Cultural Inequalities in Europe, José Soares Neves

doi: 10.15847/CIESODWP022014

 Download – OD e-WP n.º 1/2014
Gender inequalities at the top of the wage distribution in Portugal , Frederico Cantante

doi: 10.15847/CIESODWP012014